When protecting company executives, Corporate Security teams are tasked with monitoring and assessing an increasingly vast threat landscape, requiring a deep understanding of the narrative surrounding both their company and associated high-profile individuals. Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security’s Executive Protection solution uncovers threats and risks others miss, enabling security teams to detect threats early, analyze risks accurately, and respond swiftly.

Uncover blind spots in your executive protection threat intelligence
A vector image of planet Earth.
Advanced Executive Protection Threat Intelligence

Learn how Dataminr’s AI platform performs well beyond the scope, speed, and precision of traditional intelligence tools. Dataminr acts as an always-on threat detection partner with AI models specifically designed to cut through public information overload and uncover blind spots in your executive protection threat intelligence. 

March 3, 2025
  • Corporate Security

10 Critical Physical Security Risks 

Understand 10 common physical security risks facing organizations worldwide and tips for how to mitigate them.

Case Study

How HP Uses Dataminr’s Real-time Alerts for Executive Protection

Learn how a security leader and his team at HP leverage Dataminr’s real-time alerts to enhance their executive protection efforts, as well as their best practices for safeguarding executives during travel and large-scale events.


Top 10 Reasons to Become a Dataminr Partner

Hear from Dataminr’s chief partner officer about how partnering with us will help you unlock revenue streams and deliver greater value to your customers.