Security Operations

Ensuring the safety and well-being of executives, employees and customers has long been a critical responsibility of organizations. But the advent of remote and hybrid work and a growing list of risks—from geopolitical events and extreme weather to workplace violence and doxxing—has forced businesses to reevaluate how they approach safeguarding people and fulfilling their duty of care obligations

Take for instance executive protection. Recent media coverage has highlighted numerous instances where high-profile executives and organizations faced significant threats, underscoring the urgent need for robust protection strategies.

Critical to such strategies is being able to identify potential risks and threats as soon as they emerge, and keeping pace with the speed and scale at which they occur. Doing so remains a major challenge for security teams and calls for AI-powered solutions, like that of Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security

How does Dataminr do it? Let’s take a look.

How does Dataminr help organizations protect their employees from risks and threats?

There are a multitude of risks and threats to employees that security teams must protect against. Dataminr enables them to do so by detecting and alerting on risks in real time. This gives security teams as much lead time as possible to respond to and mitigate risks more quickly and effectively.

Common threats to employees

  • Workplace violence
  • Health risks 
  • Severe weather such as wildfires and earthquakes
  • Employee and VIP travel-related risks, like geopolitical events
  • Physical risks associated with large-scale events like the Olympic Games
  • Disruptive incidents affecting global facilities, infrastructure and operations

When a threat or risk arises, Dataminr enables security teams to determine which employees are at risk, notify those that might be affected and stay apprised of their safety as situations unfold. Targeted communications can be sent to employees via SMS, email or voice within 60 seconds.

Take for instance a shooting that took place near a customer’s casino. Dataminr’s real-time alerts kept the customer updated throughout the duration of the event, helping it to ensure the safety of its employees—and make in-the-moment, critical decisions on the ground. According to the customer, obtaining such updates at the local level would not have been possible without Dataminr’s AI-enabled risk detection.

Can Dataminr help protect employees who are working remotely or traveling?

Yes. Dataminr helps security teams protect employees wherever they are working—be it in the office, remotely or while traveling for business—with real-time alerts on risks and critical events as they emerge. For example, security teams can use Dataminr to detect travel-related threats as they arise, before employees embark on their journey and while traveling, regardless of the destination.

Duty of Care Obligations

75% of surveyed organizations expect an increase in duty of care expectations from their employees this year. 

Source: Security Magazine

This not only gives security teams real-time situational awareness, but employees as well. They then know whether to avoid certain areas or make adjustments to their itineraries. By synchronizing organizations’ employee HR and travel data with Dataminr, security teams can maintain visibility of what is happening in and around the locations of employee travelers globally and quickly employ proactive protection measures. 

The same holds true for remote workers as Dataminr real-time alerts allow security teams to detect potential risks and threats—such as an impending storm or dangerous levels of air quality—to those working from home or a co-working location at the global, regional or hyperlocal level.

Is Dataminr suitable for protecting executives?

Protecting executives requires a different level of attention and planning as they are often highly visible, travel frequently and attend large-scale public events such the World Economic Forum, Olympic Games or Mobile World Commerce. This puts them at a greater risk, including their reputation and physical safety.  

Our AI-powered Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security solution combines data-driven insights with real-time information to detect the earliest indications of risks and threats to C-suite leaders near their:

  • personal residences
  • work locations 
  • travel destinations (globally and nationally), modes (trains and planes) and locations (hotels)—ahead of and during travel

This enables rapid decision making and strengthens resilience against targeted attacks. 

What to Ask to Assess Executive Vulnerability Levels 

  • Do we understand the strengths and weaknesses of our access controls, physical barriers and security assessment processes?
  • Do our executives have public or social media profiles which may cause controversy, or which provide valuable targeting information to an attacker?
  • Do we have the capability to collect general and specific threat intelligence?
  • Do we have relationships with law enforcement, security providers and industry organizations that will maximize our ability to protect our people?
  • What additional resources or processes will provide the most important security enhancements?

Source: Harvard Business Review

What role does AI play in Dataminr’s ability to help security teams better protect executives and employees? 

The Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security solution is powered by Dataminr’s AI platform, which harnesses advanced AI and machine learning to detect risks, threats and critical events from more than 1 million public data sources—pulled from text, images, video and audio—in real time and at a scope and speed far beyond traditional detection methods. 

The Power of Dataminr AI

It would take 30,000 people working 24/7 to process just 1% of the public data Dataminr analyzes daily.

And, Dataminr’s ReGenAI, a new form of generative AI, provides security teams with live information briefs that update automatically with a summary of an event as it unfolds, giving them a rapid understanding of critical, multidimensional events in real time. This helps reduce the time needed for event analysis and summary from more than 30 minutes—on average—to under 90 seconds, allowing security teams to quickly and easily create and share reports to key stakeholders.

Watch Video: See How ReGenAI Work

Learn More

See how Dataminr for Corporate Security helps organizations like yours ensure they can keep their people safe.

January 17, 2025

Dataminr Pulse for Corporate Security: Improve Employee Safety

Safeguard your global workforce with proactive risk detection and rapid response capabilities

Watch Video
  • Security Operations
  • Corporate Security
  • Insight

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